Tag Archives: Ban Sufa

The Coles in Vientiane

Happy sigh … Don’t you just love house guests who give expensive Belgian chocolates for Valentine’s Day, stay cheerful when faced with no running water, happily explore new places on their own, whip up a tasty Mexican feast for dinner, get excited about geckos and tropical fruit, and curl up on the sofa with a Beer Lao for a game of Cranium? Seriously, the Coles are some of the most low-maintenance visitors I’ve ever known! In fact, since they arrived on Saturday, it feels like THEY are taking care of US. Such a treat.

Tony and I had to work on Monday, so the Cole family hopped in a tuk tuk and spent the day at Ban Sufa, an eco-lodge on the outskirts of Vientiane. Here are some photos from Dave’s camera.

They stopped at a market on the way back to our house and bought all the fixin’s for an outdoor Mexican fiesta. Yum! Tuesday morning, the Coles took off for Luang Prabang, but they’ll be back for one overnight on Friday before heading back to China.