Tag Archives: ExpatWomen

Happy Birthday, ExpatWomen.com!

Expat Women - Helping Women Living Overseas

If you ARE a woman living abroad or you KNOW a woman living abroad, then check out www.ExpatWomen.com, a fantastic website celebrating its third birthday online today. It’s one-stop shopping for interesting articles, travel resources, and captivating blogs by women around the globe.

Here’s what the site says about itself: ExpatWomen.com is a comprehensive, global website helping women living overseas. The site displays 1,000+ content pages, 1,000+ expat women blogs, 200+ readers’ stories, invaluable country resource pages, interviews with successful expat women, loads of motivational articles and an inspirational blog and monthly newsletter.

The site presently has a “Success Story” feature on Tess Johnston, an American diplomat living in Shanghai. I met Tess and attended several of her presentations during our time in China; she is a fascinating and inspirational woman. But aren’t we all?!!